Help Center

How do I report?

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Wie melde ich?
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Here you can find an explanatory video about MEDAR NRW, the Reporting and Documentation Office for anti-Muslim racism, as well as a description of how you can make a report.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is a Reporting and Documentation Center?

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What is anti-Muslim racism?

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Who can be affected by anti-Muslim racism?

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Who can report an incident?

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What can be reported?

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Why should I report an incident?

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What happens to my report?

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Why is a reporting office for racism and queerphobia necessary?

Referral Counseling
Are you still looking for further assistance and counseling regarding your incident?
Here we have a list of counseling centers that can assist you with specific or general concerns.

Contact Request

Do you have a general question or comments you would like to share?
Feel free to send us an email at: [email protected]

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