MEDAR stands for the Reporting and Documentation Center for anti-Muslim racism and is a project that aims to highlight anti-Muslim racism in NRW.
Our goal is to develop a comprehensive data base of incidents of discrimination to raise awareness and initiate change. We believe in the power of a collective voice and want to provide a platform for those affected and witnesses to share their stories and experiences.
The order does not indicate the importance of the individual points. All points are equally central.
We advocate for marginalized people, so our work is guided by the needs of those affected.
We position ourselves on the side of those affected and treat all information confidentially.
Discrimination must always be considered intersectionally; therefore, we place special emphasis on multiple discrimination.
We commit to strict data protection and handle all data with particular care.
We maintain close communication with our communities and take their interests into account in our work.
We are a network of various reporting centers that work closely together, engage in regular and intensive exchanges, and jointly address conceptual questions and challenges.
We maintain close contact with support centers for victims of violence and discrimination in NRW and continuously work on a broad referral structure.
Our goal is to work as low-threshold and barrier-free as possible so that our reporting centers can be used by as many people as possible, and information can be easily accessed.
Our goal is to educate about ideologies of inequality, racist and queer-hostile discrimination, and violence at all levels of society and promote better social coexistence.
Depending on our resources, we offer those affected the option to communicate with us in their first language.
We support our communities in developing an awareness of their (human) rights so they no longer tolerate discrimination, racism, and restrictions but actively and fearlessly address and report them.
We advocate for basic and human rights and highlight legal gaps in the protection of marginalized people.
We raise awareness of disadvantageous power structures—on individual, structural, and institutional levels—and make these structures visible. Our work aims to break down and dismantle existing power structures in the long term.
Through our work, we aim to make discrimination and violence in NRW visible so that processes can be initiated to foster better social coexistence.
We encourage everyone who observes discrimination and violence to understand these as socially relevant phenomena and act as allies.
MEDAR NRW is operated by a collaboration of two organizations:
interKultur e.V. is a nonpartisan and nonreligious professional organization where respect, acceptance, equality, and participation—regardless of cultural or religious affiliation—form the basis of interaction. As a migration- and discrimination-sensitive organization, interKultur e.V. operates a recognized intercultural center, manages a community center (Cologne), a youth welfare facility, and a KIM office (Municipal Integration Management), accompanied by a highly experienced team of people with and without migration backgrounds. The organization stands for a democratic society, aligning with the goals of the Participation and Integration Act of NRW.
Additional fields of action include political, social, and cultural education, pedagogical support, inclusion guidance, and advisory services (27 language groups). A significant strength is bridging the gap between science and practice, particularly ensured by the Pedagogical Director Prof. Dr. Kemal Bozay.
Coach e.V. sees itself as a space for empowerment and solidarity for young people affected by racism and exclusion, as well as a learning and experiential space where democratic education is possible.
The association aims to support young people, particularly those with migration backgrounds, in their education and integration towards a successful school-to-work transition. The association's work is guided by the principle of prevention. Focus areas include counseling, parental engagement, education- and topic-oriented group work, homework assistance, language promotion, career orientation, application support, and leisure activities. For Coach e.V., involving parents actively is essential when children and adolescents are supported in school and professional education. Coach e.V. is networked regionally, nationally, and internationally through various projects such as the 'Empowerment Academy,' 'House of Resources,' and 'Laboratory for Empowerment, Resilience, and Solidarity,' and can rely on appropriate network partners in the context of racism-critical and empowerment-oriented educational work.
We (MEDAR) work closely with these reporting and documentation offices in NRW. Together with MIQ NRW (Reporting and Information Center anti-LGBTQIA discrimination in NRW), DINA NRW (Documentation and Information Center for Antiziganism), and MiRa NRW (Reporting and Information Center for Anti-Black, Anti-Asian, and Other Forms of Racism in NRW), we form the NRW Reporting Offices Network.
Together, we have developed documentation and evaluation standards that allow violence and discrimination to be analyzed from an intersectional perspective.
You can find more information on our joint website:
And here you can find the respective websites of the three reporting offices:
In addition, we collaborate with the Reporting Center for Antisemitism in NRW and the Reporting Center for Discrimination in Football in NRW.